
Since mid-May, air up has commissioned 24 creators via Speekly to create content in German, Italian and Dutch for 5 different markets.

UGC in the starting blocks

In May 2022, air up began testing UGC ads with an in-house UGC strategy. To this end, content and the associated buyouts were sourced from influencers with whom air up was already working. Right from the start, it became clear that UGC clearly outperformed traditional brand ads. However, due to the complex internal process, UGC could not be scaled to the desired extent.

Strategy and goal

In order to source UGC on a large scale, air up now relies on Speekly to produce various video ads from different angles. The goal: to continuously build up a library of UGC ads from which one can selectively draw to populate the TikTok and Meta Ads Manager with performing creatives.

Creative Brief

air up relies on short UGC videos of around 30 seconds in length, which are briefed for different angles across the market according to the same principle:

Video sequence

The videos consist of a mixture of B-roll material and scenes in which the creator speaks directly to the user into the camera. The video always starts with an attention-grabbing hook, after which the problem is described. This is followed by the solution, including a product presentation. The video ends with a call to action. Each scene is individually briefed to the creator by the air up team with an original sound and visual sequences for the scene.


In order to be able to place trustworthy ads not only in Germany, but also in the German-speaking markets of Austria and Switzerland, the air up team makes minimal adjustments to the briefings depending on the market. For example, local habits such as drinking from the tap or refilling the bottle at work, when hiking or doing sports are to be integrated into the videos for Switzerland.


air up operates in various European markets and adapts the video creatives individually for each market. The company uses and to source content in Italian and Dutch according to the briefing principle described above.

As this is a global campaign, air up uses to produce videos in which the creator does not speak directly into the camera or provide a voice-over so that the videos can be used for other markets such as France or the UK. The brand can use its internal creative team to add subtitles, buzzwords or voice-overs in the relevant languages.

Impact on performance

air up relies on Meta and TikTok to significantly improve its click-through rate (CTR) in particular. The brand's focus is not just on the number of views or the time viewers spend on the ad, but rather on how many actually reach the web store.

By testing the first user-generated content ads (UGC ads), air up has already established that UGC ads perform significantly better than traditional internally created image ads, particularly in terms of the click-through rate (CTR). The UGC ads achieved a CTR that was up to 2-3 times higher. air up is therefore already well on the way to achieving the performance targets it has set itself with UGC ads.

Patrick Millinger
Sr. Digital Marketing Manager at air up

By working with Speekly, we were able to take our UGC ad rotation to a whole new level compared to last year.

The really large creator pool, the clear & easy to understand UX platform, the really very smooth processes including top support from Speekly for any requests from us, have simply convinced us. 😊 We are very excited to see where our journey together will take us. We're up for it! 😉
Der wirklich große Creator Pool, die übersichtliche & einfach zu verstehende Plattform UX, die wirklich sehr geschmeidigen Prozessse inkl. top Support seitens Speekly auf jegliche Attacken von uns, haben uns einfach überzeugt. 😊 Wir sind schon sehr gespannt, wo uns der gemeinsame Weg noch hinführt. Wir haben Bock! 😉

Your brand x Speekly

Register now, receive applications from suitable creators and have your UGC videos produced.

UGC Videos starting at 79 €